Carnival of Space #339

Feb 5, 2014 | Carnival of Space

Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia Astronauts

Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia Astronauts. Credit: NASA

The Carnival of Space is a traveling list of the week’s best astronomy blog posts as submitted by bloggers from around the world.

This week’s edition is curated by Gadi Eidelheit at Venus Transit and begins with a dedication to the brave men and women who have lost their lives as astronauts in the US space program. The only one I remember well is the Columbia disaster of 2003. I was in college and my mother called me saying “Don’t go into space!” But given the chance, I still would, and those men and women knew the risks of spaceflight and embraced the job regardless. Kudos to all of our planet’s astronauts, cosmonauts, taikonauts, and space farers of all kinds.

Other news from the week includes:

  • Looking for water on the Moon
  • Finding water on Ceres
  • Astronomy apps
  • LRO and LADEE around the Moon
  • Rivers of hydrogen in space
  • New photos from Mars
  • Elon Musk on the next big innovations
  • Combining the power of space telescopes
  • Reflection on the Clementine mission

Find out more about the Carnival of Space at Universe Today.


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