NASA Calendar Giveaway

Jan 22, 2013 | Uncategorized

We came back with some lovely NASA Calendars thanks to the lovely people at the NASA booth at the American Astronomical Society. We love them, and I’m sure you will love them, too. Here is how you can get one!

Be a winner in the Million Crater Challenge! That’s already over, so we’ll be contacting those winners shortly and including a calendar in the prize pack.

The new challenge is going to involve a bit of exploring different aspects of the CosmoQuest site.

  • We (more specifically, Nicole) will give out a SUPER SEEKRIT (super secret) phrase during two of the CosmoQuest Hangouts this week, specifically Learning Space and the Weekly Space Hangout.
  • The first, fifth, and tenth NEW users to sign up at CosmoQuest using that phrase as their “Referrer” AND have marked surface features on at least one image will get a calendar. We will be monitoring the database so get on it once you hear the phrase!
  • The first three EXISTING users to post the secret code on this forum thread AND a screencapture of their latest surface feature markings will also get a calendar.

Two events to win. Six winners per event. That’s 12 chances to win.

See you in the Hangouts!


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