Solar System Rotation Rate Due to Subatomic Interactions

Solar System Rotation Rate Due to Subatomic Interactions

Using a first-principles approach, researchers have discovered that the differences in the rotational rate of the solar system are due to the inward and outward flow of cations and electrons. Plus, JWST’s first list of observations, a Starlink launch, dinosaurs, raining sand, and a review of episode two of this season’s For All Mankind.

Infrared Telescope Balloon Mission Gets Mini-JWST Mirror

Infrared Telescope Balloon Mission Gets Mini-JWST Mirror

While waiting for the launch and commissioning of JWST, engineers designed an infrared telescope with a 2.5-meter mirror that will fly onboard a large research balloon to nearly 40 kilometers in altitude. Plus, fast radio bursts, robotic ammonites, and this week in rocket history we look back at Telstar-1.

Second Repeating Fast Radio Burst Discovered

Second Repeating Fast Radio Burst Discovered

A second repeating fast radio burst was detected in 2019 by China’s FAST observatory and confirmed in 2020 by the Very Large Array. This latest discovery raises the possibility that there are two different types of FRBs. Plus, a SpaceX commercial launch, mission updates, neutron stars, and this week’s What’s Up.
