First Brown Dwarf Discovered Using Radio Observations

First Brown Dwarf Discovered Using Radio Observations

We’re back! Today we’re bringing you all the latest news, from a fast radio burst in our galaxy to the first brown dwarf discovered using radio telescopes. And telescopes are the hot topic today: using them, renaming them, and sadly, breaking them. Plus the Atacama Desert and Martian life, Europa’s glow, and a roundup of recent planetary science stories.

Bumper Crop of Gravitational Wave Events Detected!

Bumper Crop of Gravitational Wave Events Detected!

Today’s top story brings us 39 new gravitational wave detections of black holes and neutron stars, courtesy of the LIGO and VIRGO detectors. Also, it’s Titan’s turn for interesting molecules in the atmosphere, and researchers examined impact craters to see what might lie beneath Titan’s surface. Plus, Hayabusa2’s impact on Ryugu and an updated origin story for Jupiter and Saturn.

Betelgeuse smaller and closer than previously thought… what?

Betelgeuse smaller and closer than previously thought… what?

All of Betelguese’s strange behavior for the last year had everyone looking at the star, which the latest research shows is smaller and closer than previously calculated. Plus, InSight’s mole is finally all the way underground, new measurements of atomic hydrogen in distant galaxies, and two planets have been discovered around a red dwarf star.

Death by Spaghettification!

Death by Spaghettification!

Join us for a look at today’s top story: ESO telescopes captured the last moments of a star being destroyed by a black hole in a tidal disruption event. Plus scientists are studying Bennu’s surface to get ready for next week’s touch and go sample collection, and NOIRLab begins the process of restarting telescope operations at several observatories around the world.
