School is starting, the nights are getting longer, and two gas giants are dominating the night skies while two terrestrial planets make morning appearances.

School is starting, the nights are getting longer, and two gas giants are dominating the night skies while two terrestrial planets make morning appearances.
The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Objects to Observe in the September Sky places a focus on sky events to help newcomers identify the planets and detailed observations of the changing surface of Mars and the Cloud tops of Venus, Saturn and Jupiter.
The rest of summer is PERFECT for the amateur and beginner observer! Saturn and Jupiter are visible all night, Venus is easy to spot in the morning, Mars and Mercury offer a challenge for the early risers and the annual Perseid meteor shower is coming up August 12th.
Join us today while we take a look at the new origin story for an oddball family of meteorites. Yes, like a comic book hero, the parent (body) is no more.
Welcome June brings us all the naked-eye planets at some points in the month, Venus’s introduction to the morning with the Moon, and mornings with four naked-eye planets visible.
Ever wonder what’s going to happen to the outer planets of our solar system when the Sun turns into a red giant star? Will they survive or will the get flung out into space? Will Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune evaporate?
Stars & how the form, a new interstellar comet, saturn break records for moon. more at #365DaysOfAstro
Prepare your instruments for planetary observations and it’s time for #Orionid #meteorshower. #365DaysOfAstro
How old are Saturn’s rings? They could be brand new, or they could be as ancient as the Solar System itself. more at #365DaysOfAstro