Dec 17th: Fragment & Enceladus’ Ocean
Today story is about the discovery of 2016 DP that formed after two large asteroid collided in asteroid belt. And also Enceladus Ocean. More at #365DayOfAstro

Nov 30th: The Observer’s Calendar for December 2023
The Observer’s Calendar for December from @ActualAstronomy presents spotting Uranus Naked Eye, Catching the Geminid Meteor Showers, see some asteroids while the Moon Pairs with Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter, and on December 30th we finally get a double shadow transit on Jupiter for everyone in North America!

Nov 16th: Chris and Shane Observe Together
Today’s Actual Astronomy talk about a recent night where we finally met up to spend some time hanging out under the stars.

Nov 4th: Last Minute Astronomer November 2023
In November Saturn and Jupiter are the steady highlights above, Venus shines brilliantly before dawn, and rocks fall from the sky.

Sep 28th: An Observing Guide to Jupiter and Saturn

Sep 10th: Ringed Dynamo & Guard Down
Today’s Travelers in the Night will bring you stories about Saturns and asteroid survey as a planetary defense system.

Sep 7th: Colliding with the Moon on a Summer’s Day
This month @AwesomeAstroPod has astronomy cruise holiday and news about new type of star, mud on Mars and JWST breaking cosmology once again. Also this month skyguide!

Aug 3rd: Objects to Observe in the August 2023 Night Sky
Time for what’s up this month in August. In this episode @ActualAstronomy In this episode we’ll talk about watching the Planets Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn and our Moon.

Jun 29th: Objects to Observe in the July 2023 Night Sky
Lets check out what’s up in July sky as @ActualAstronomy talk about watching the Planets Mars, Venus, Mercury and our Moon in the evening sky as well as other sights to see in the July Night Sky.