Date: November 23, 2010 Title: Mysterious Moving Moon Dust Podcaster: NASA Lunar Science Institute, with Dr. Mihaly Horanyi and Nancy Atkinson Organization: NASA Lunar Science Institute...
November 22nd: The Most Massive Neutron Star
Date: November 22, 2010 Title: The Most Massive Neutron Star Podcaster: Dr. Rob Knop <Organization: Quest University Canada Links: My home page :...
November 21st: Astronomical Pictures of Science
Date: November 21, 2010 Title: Astronomical Pictures of Science Podcaster: Ben Lillie Organization: The Story Collider Description: We asked people to send in the image they think of when they...
November 20th: Under a Dark Sky
Date: November 20, 2010 Title: Under a Dark Sky Podcaster: David Ault Links: Description: A young science communicator's trip into the wilds of...
November 19th: Gifts from the Sky
Date: November 19, 2010 Title: Gifts from the Sky Podcaster: Sandy Antunes Organization: Project Calliope LLC - Description: Need a gift for an astronomer? Wonder what...
November 18th: Are There Alternative Universes?
Date: November 18, 2010 Title: Are There Alternative Universes? Podcaster: Stuart Clark Description: Are there alternate universes? If so, are they merely far away or in different dimensions...
November 17th: What’s in a Science Meeting?
Date: November 17, 2010 Title: What's in a Science Meeting? Podcaster: Emily Lakdawalla Description: Fun stuff from the 42nd annual meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American...
November 16th: Aliens in the Eyepiece
Date: November 16, 2010 Title: Aliens in the Eyepiece Organization: RapidEye Observatory - Description: When people ask if I can see aliens...
November 15th: The Mayan Calendar
Date: November 15, 2010 Title: The Mayan Calendar Podcaster: Zachary Kessin and Julia Smith Description: A look at the Mayan calendar and why the world is not scheduled to end in 2012. Bio:...
November 14th: Symmetries in the Universe
Date: November 14, 2010 Title: Symmetries in the Universe Podcaster: Renee Hlozek and David Marsh Organization: University of Oxford Description: Renée...