Dec 12th: How Many Exoplanets Are There?
Astronomers estimate there are more planets in our galaxy than there are stars. Just how many is that?
Dec 2nd: Last Minute Astronomer December 2023
December is here & the Last Minute Astronomer bring astronomy to normies and nerds, with little time to spare. We have the naked eye planets visible this month, the lunar phases, and then the meteor shower and other events, so you can plan ahead better than me.
Nov 25th: No Planet B
The @cosmicsavannah talk to Professor Travis Rector about how to communicate climate change and why it is important for astronomers to do so.
Nov 14th: Exoplanets Are Everywhere
Did you know that the discovery of other planets in orbit around other stars is a very recent one? Only 25 years ago, we had no idea there were any planets in our galaxy besides those in our solar system. Now, not only have we discovered them, but astronomers estimate there are trillions of them. There are so many exoplanets out there that every star in our galaxy could have at least one.
Oct 10th: Rogue Planets: Not All Exoplanets Orbit Stars?
Do you know that we have interesting class of exoplanets? This type of planets do not have a home sun. These rogue worlds travel the distance between the stars, they live in the cold, dark interstellar regions of the galaxy. More with @DeepAstronomy
Oct 5th: The Observer’s Calendar for October 2023
In this episode, @ActualAstronomy talk about observing the Planets Jupiter,Saturn and Venus as they pair with our Moon in the evening sky as well as other sights to see in the October Night Sky
Sep 29th: The Search for Life on Other Worlds
new asteroid has been discovered with an orbit that crosses our own planet’s orbit. In general, this object and Earth are very good and not trying to occupy the same space at the same time, and we’ve managed to coexist for a fair amount of time..
Aug 31st: The Observer’s Calendar for September 2023
Time for Observer’s Calendar and @ActualAstronomy discuss about watching the Planets Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn pair with our Moon in the evening sky as well as other sights to see in September
Aug 21st: The Source of Atmospheres, the Vanishing Moon, and a Glow After Sunset
How do planets get their atmospheres? What would happen to the Earth if the Moon just disappeared? And what’s that strange glow we see after sunset? Do we live in an unbalanced Universe?