When and how galaxies form, how quickly they form and how they evolve to form the beautiful galaxies we see to day is a longstanding question in astronomy.

When and how galaxies form, how quickly they form and how they evolve to form the beautiful galaxies we see to day is a longstanding question in astronomy.
How normal or unusual is our sun? The first galaxy formation, the nearest stellar mass black hole, and #spaceforce are on today’s news round up. @AwesomeAstroPod will give you a glance of June night sky!
Today @WFHCrew discuss with Dr. Sarah McAnulty and weekly news update which includes WFIRST, AI techniques used to discover galaxies, Long period GRB, and water ice mining on the Moon.
Divining Arrokoth’s secrets. How can we spread life in the galaxy? What happened in the early universe?
Rounding up the astronomy news this month with @AwesomeAstroPod. We have interstellar comet, Hygiea as dwarf planet, Saturn’s ring & November Skyguide.
In this episode, we speak with Prof Eric Wilcots and Sinenhlanhla Precious Sikhosana about galaxies and the environments they live in.
In this Apogee Podcast, Cosmic discusses historical observations of the center of the Milky Way, and what current observations tell us about this fascinating and enigmatic object.
Did you hear that the Universe has 10x the number of galaxies? How did astronomers discover this, and what does it mean for the number of stars?
In this podcast, Dr. Knut Olson describes the SMASH survey & the citizen science project to analyze data from the SMASH Survey.
We know there’s dark matter, and there are galaxies, but are there galaxies entirely made up of dark matter? Astronomer Sarah Pearson joins Fraser to talk about what’s out there.