Feb 28th: Time In Cosmology is Taking Up Space
A large exoplanet: K2-18b, Mars Insight probe news, mission to Phobos, and discussion about how Taking up Space introduces STEM is fun for girls.

Jan 18th: NASA’s TESS Watches a Star Getting Devoured by a Black Hole
In this episode, our favorite exoplanet hunting space telescope, known as TESS, has managed to capture a black hole tearing a star apart.

Jan 17th: Dr. Erin Explains the Universe
A planet that orbits 2 stars. And it was found by a High School kid! more about it on #weeklyspacehangout at #365DaysOfAstro

Jan 12th: NASA Deep Space Network Turns 50 & Hubble Finds Three Surprisingly Dry Exoplanets
NASA’s Deep Space Network is celebrating its 50th birthday, while Hubble Space Telescope was used to study 3 planets orbiting stars similar to our Sun. #365DaysOfAstro

Oct 20th: First Earth-Sized Planet in the Habitable Zone & A Unique Metal World: Asteroid Psyche
Kepler discovered First Earth-Sized Planet in the Habitable Zone & A Unique Metal World: Asteroid Psyche

Oct 19th: The Habitable Exoplanet Hunting Project
We are looking for more observatories and amateur astronomers who might want to join the project. The Habitable Exoplanet Hunting Project is a worldwide network of amateur astronomers searching for new potentially habitable exoplanets.

Oct 3rd: Is Earth Special?
In an exciting discovery, water vapor has been found in the atmosphere of a distant exoplanet planet known as K2-18b, which is 110 light years from Earth in the constellation Leo.

Sep 26th: Bringing the Planetology Home
Join us today and listen to Astronomy Without a Telescope series as @CheapAstro finds an exoplanet that’s strangely familiar. #365DaysOfAstro

Sep 19th: A Very Moist Exoplanet
This week we have moist exoplanet atmospheres, possibility of life arise on a massive planet, the shape of a black hole singularity, and many more. #spaceradio with @PaulMattSutter #365DaysOfAstro