Tag: deep astronomy
Jul 14th: Mystery of Ultra Diffuse Galaxy with NO Dark Matter Solved

Feb 18th: The Cartwheel Galaxy From the Webb Space Telescope


NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has peered into the chaos of the Cartwheel Galaxy, revealing new details about star formation and the galaxy’s central black hole. Webb’s powerful infrared gaze produced this detailed image of the Cartwheel and two smaller companion galaxies against a backdrop of many other galaxies. This image provides a new view of how the Cartwheel Galaxy has changed over billions of years.

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Jul 14th: Mystery of Ultra Diffuse Galaxy with NO Dark Matter Solved

Nov 19th: Stellina & eVscope: Are They Worth the Money?


There is a lot of interest in a new class of telescopes available for amateur astronomers.  These telescopes offer extreme ease-of-use while delivering advanced capability to those just entering the hobby of amateur astronomy. In this episode, Dustin Gibson, CEO of OPT Telescopes and Tony Darnell discuss the value of these scopes and the promise they hold for newcomers to the hobby.

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