Tag: black hole

Jan 26th: A Journey into Deep Space: Our Deepest View of the X-ray Universe
Did you know there are several types of light? Each one reveals new secrets about the world around us, but only one is visible to our eyes.
Luckily, we’ve designed telescopes that can see the Universe in “invisible” light.

Dec 27th: Space Assassin!

Sep 23rd: Universe Sandbox Developers
Podcaster: Host : Fraser Cain ; Guest : Dr. Paul Matt Sutter, Dr. Nicole Gugliucci, Yoav Landsman, Dan Dixon and Jenn Seiler
Title: Weekly Space Hangout: Universe Sandbox Developers

Sept 29th: Monthly News Roundup – Glowing in the Dark

Sept 27th: Antares Launch!
Podcaster: Host: Fraser Cain : Commentary: Amy Shira Teitel, David Dickinson, Elizabeth Howell, Jason Major

June 22nd: The Greedy Monster in a Dusty Blanket

April 14th: Weekly Space Hangout: Astronomy Highlight