Feb 19th: What Goes Into Sample Return Missions From Asteroids & Comets?
Scientists have retrieved samples from other objects in the Solar System, including comets and asteroids. What does it take to return a piece of rock from space, and what have we learned so far?

Feb 4th: Tough Tourist & Born Wild
Meteorites on Earth as well as the cratering on Moon, Mercury, Mars, and other bodies suggest that our solar system was born wild and stayed that way for a while.

Jan 28th: Potential Mining Target & Incoming
Today story is about the discovery of asteroid 2016 GC221 for mining target & 2016 CG18 as a test object for rapid response observing protocols.

Jan 21st: Asteroid Awareness & Anatomy Of An Extinction Crater
You are less likely to be injured by a space rock than you might think. But will asteroid dangerous for us on Earth? How about asteroid impact influence life on Earth?

Jan 18th: Naming Asteroids
The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Naming Asteroids. In this episode we’ll talk with Peter Jedicke about what asteroids are, their history and the Canadian connection with naming asteroids after amateur astronomers.

Jan 7th: Could Be Twins & Spray Paints
Today Travelers in the night take you to discuss about a pair of possibly related comets pass unusually close to Earth and a gentle method of causing an asteroid to miss planet Earth.

Dec 31st: Martian Lakes & Why
We may be able to learn about the possibilities of life on Mars by studying land forms on the Tibetan Plateau here on Earth. And what motivates asteroid hunters? Large dangerous asteroids are still out there to find.

Dec 24th: Lost & Now Three
Finally found after 75 years! Asteroid 878 Mildred! Also the Catalina Sky Survey has a newly refurbished 40″ robotic telescope that is only used for follow-up observations so that the venerable 30″ & 60″ can look for new targets.

Dec 17th: Fragment & Enceladus’ Ocean
Today story is about the discovery of 2016 DP that formed after two large asteroid collided in asteroid belt. And also Enceladus Ocean. More at #365DayOfAstro