Just like a meme, a whole lot of folks have turned away from their steady bae, the Hubble Space Telescope, to stare open-mouthed at JWST.
Please stop it.
We still have Hubble doing amazing work, and the team recently put out a new image release of the young star, IRAS 05506+2414.
This star is forming in the direction of the constellation Taurus. By taking a series of images over time, researchers were able to see motion in the fanning outflow of material. It’s actually super weird to see fans rather than nice narrow jets, and researchers think this may be an example of a massive young star experiencing some kind of disruptive explosive event.
These fans are now moving at 217 miles per second, and I hope that Hubble keeps working for a few more years so it can keep documenting this system’s expansion in gorgeous images.
More Information
NASA Goddard image release