Looking forward to the week ahead, there are lots of things to see in the night sky. The Full Moon will be on July 13. It will also be at perigee, making it a few percent bigger in angular size than at other times. This full moon will be the biggest one in 2022. Tides will also be bigger, which would help raise any stuck ships as it did for the Ever Given.
2021 seems so long ago.
Later, on the 15th, Saturn will be within four degrees of the Moon.
This month’s full moon won’t interfere with too many things besides the usual, but next month? Oh, boy. Next month is the Perseids meteor shower, and this year, that shower peaks within two days of the full moon, potentially washing them out.
At least the gas giants will finally be in a good position to view, with Saturn at opposition on August 14.
More Information
Full Moon Guide: July – August 2022 (NASA)
Saturn at opposition, coming up August 14 (EarthSky)