Nothing But Stars

Jun 27, 2022 | Daily Space, Globular Cluster

IMAGE: This starry snapshot is from a Hubble program investigating globular clusters located toward the heart of our home galaxy, the Milky Way. Hubble’s sensitivity at both visible and infrared wavelengths allows astronomers to measure how star colors change due to interstellar dust. Knowing a star’s true color and brightness allows astronomers to estimate its age, and thereby estimate the globular cluster’s age. CREDIT: ESA/Hubble & NASA, R. Cohen

For those of you watching us on NowMedia or on YouTube, I now present the globular cluster Terzan 9. If you’re listening to the podcast, you’re just going to need to click over to to check this picture out.

The good folks at the Space Telescope Science Institute have released a stunning image of the globular cluster Terzan 9. Located toward the bulge of our galaxy, this bedazzled system is part of a research study of globular clusters located in high-density regions. Normally, these puff balls of stars linger in the outskirts of galaxies. It’s not understood how they form, but this research may help us understand how the systems can be affected by their environment.

That research takes time. For now, we just have a reminder that the universe wears some truly beautiful gems of light.

More Information

NASA Goddard image release


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