Meanwhile, in more Earth-centric science, scientists have been analyzing the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano last year which was one of the volcanic eruptions that fascinated us all during the lockdown. Honestly, as far as eruptions go, particularly on the non-explosive side, this particular eruption caused a massive amount of damage, destroying more than 1,600 structures.
However, because scientists were paying attention, evacuations happened quickly and early, with no deaths recorded as a result of the eruption. Still, the overwhelming destruction gave scientists pause, and since the eruption stopped in December, analysis has been ongoing to understand the mechanics involved.
In a new paper published in Nature Communications by Jonathan M. Castro and Yves Feisel, research into the conditions of the eruption shows that the lava was far less viscous than expected. The lava’s temperature range was around 1,200 degrees Celsius and was ten times less viscous than the 2018 eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii. This high fluidity was due to a very low silicon content in the melt, which caused the lava to pour out at ten meters per second. That made for impressive webcam footage but also for a high level of destruction.
This research can be used to predict where and how a volcanic eruption may vary over time under similar conditions, which will continue to improve our ability to save lives and maybe even prevent destruction.
More Information
JGU press release
“Eruption of ultralow-viscosity basanite magma at Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, Canary Islands,” Jonathan M. Castro and Yves Feisel, 2022 June 8, Nature Communications