Iran Launches Satellite

Mar 10, 2022 | Daily Space, Rockets

IMAGE: The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force launched its second military satellite “Noor-2” by Qased carrier to a distance of 500 kilometers. CREDIT: IRNA

On Tuesday, March 8, Iran launched a satellite called Noor 2 on a Qased launch vehicle from Iran. The U.S. military’s satellite catalog listed it as object 51954 in a roughly 500-kilometer orbit inclined 58 degrees to the equator, providing independent confirmation of launch success. Noor 2 is a successor to the Noor satellite launched in 2020; both are military reconnaissance satellites. Noor 2 is the seventh satellite Iran has successfully placed into orbit using one of its own rockets. Iran has also launched satellites on Russian and Chinese rockets.

More Information

IRGC Space Commander: The mission of “Noor 2” satellite is a measurement and information (Tasnim News) (Persian)


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