Saturn’s Moons Multiply in Known Numbers

Oct 27, 2021 | Daily Space, Saturn

CREDIT: NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute / Gordan Ugarkovic

The Saturn system has grown in the number of known moons. Observations with the 2.6-meter Canada France Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii has brought the number of known moons up to 82, and researchers now estimate that there are 150 moons (give or take 30) larger than 2.8-kilometer orbiting the ringed planet. That is a lot of moons.

More Information

How Many Moons Does Saturn Have? A Lot More Now: Dozens of New Ones Have Just Been Found. (Syfy Wire)

Evidence for a Recent Collision in Saturn’s Irregular Moon Population,” Edward Ashton, Brett Gladman, and Matthew Beaudoin, 2021 August 10, The Planetary Science Journal


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