Now, I want to be clear: there are no known objects that are hazardous to our planet. None. As far as we know, we are safe. We have a whole lot of scopes and people out there monitoring the skies, and new systems are being developed all the time to keep a better and better eye on what might be coming our way.
This means you can safely enjoy a sky full of shooting stars. That phrase – shooting stars – actually describes the amazing light show we see when pebbles and other small objects or particles burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Every August, our planet passes through the trail of debris left behind by Comet Swift Tuttle, and the point in the sky that intersects those cometary leftovers matches up with the constellation Perseus. This year, the Moon won’t be interfering, and it’s possible to see up to forty meteors an hour on the night that spans from August 11 in the evening to August 12 in the morning.
Meteor showers are best seen between midnight and dawn, and all you need is a blanket, lawn chair, or hammock to lay down in as you look up and watch the sky. We also recommend bug repellant for those of you with bugs. And if you can’t see the sky well, you can also listen for meteors. Find an old-school radio and tune it to the static between stations. You will periodically hear pops and whistles as meteors reflect back radio signals at new frequencies.
Start planning now, and get outside or get a radio or both. Once again, the Perseids peak before dawn on Thursday, August 12.
More Information
Perseid Meteor Shower 2021: All You Need To Know (EarthSky)
Perseid meteor shower 2021: how to watch (Planetary Society)
How to see the Perseid meteor shower (Royal Museums Greenwich)