BepiColombo Steals an Image of Venus

Aug 13, 2021 | Daily Space, Spacecraft, Venus

IMAGE: The joint European-Japanese BepiColombo mission captured this view of Venus on 10 August 2021 as the spacecraft passed the planet for a gravity assist manoeuvre. The image was taken at 13:57:56 UTC by the Mercury Transfer Module’s Monitoring Camera 3, when the spacecraft was 1573 km from Venus. Closest approach of 552 km took place shortly before, at 13:51:54 UTC. CREDIT: ESA/BepiColombo/MTM, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

The ESAJAXA spacecraft BepiColombo flew past Venus on August 10 on its way to Mercury. Because its cameras are designed to look at a rocky dark planet and not a highly reflective layer of clouds, the images it captured mostly just show a hot, round thing. Which, to be fair, is what Venus is. It’s just nice when we can resolve features in the clouds. 

In addition to showing us a big round Venus, the images also capture bits of the spacecraft and showcase just how well the spacecraft’s cameras work, which was the real goal of these images. When missions fly past secondary targets, it allows the missions teams a chance to test their instruments and provides them with time to fix anything that might need to be fixed prior to arriving at their final destination. In this case, if the software for the cameras had done something weird, which it didn’t, the team behind BepiColombo would have had time to fix things before the craft gets to Mercury in 2025.

More Information

ESA press release


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