Scientists continue to work toward understanding the influence of our planet’s inner workings on surface water. In a new paper published in the journal Geology, a team of researchers analyzed two volcanically created lakes in Oregon at Newberry volcano. These two lakes are both fed by the underlying volcano: Paulina Lake is fed with volcanic geothermal fluids, and East Lake is fed by volcanic gases. So how do those two different methods affect the lakes’ ecosystems, which are popular fishing grounds?
Paulina Lake is simply warmer. East Lake, however, acquires carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and minor amounts of mercury and methane that seep up into the bottom of the lake. In particular, that carbon dioxide is concerning. Lake Nyos in Cameroon is also a volcanically fed lake that has experienced not only alarming levels of carbon dioxide in the water but also what is called a “limnic eruption”, or violent outgassing, that ended up sending a cloud of CO2 over the nearby countryside, killing people and livestock by the thousands. Will East Lake do the same?
No. No, it will not. Most likely. East Lake does a much better job of cycling its carbon dioxide content than Lake Nyos did. The CO2 accumulates in the winter below the East Lake’s surface ice, and then all that gas gets released over time as the ice melts and the seasons move into summer. The team now wants to monitor the seasonal trends to completely understand how the CO2 fluctuates in greater detail.
It should be noted that life still thrives in East Lake, even if it’s just on the level of cyanobacteria. This little caldera is a great example of life finding a way, and in my opinion, is a bit of a window into what happens at hydrothermal vents in the ocean. Road trip, anyone?
More Information
GSA press release
“Volcanic carbon cycling in East Lake, Newberry Volcano, Oregon, USA,” H.D. Brumberg et al., 2021 March 4, Geology