One of the first forms of online citizen science arose organically around the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) images of the Sun. This spacecraft takes image after image of the solar corona and the Sun’s surroundings, and it was realized in the 90s that comets can often be seen grazing the Sun and dying in its heat.
On December 13, amateur astronomer Worachate Boonplod discovered the comet C/2020 X3 (SOHO) in the SOHO data. While this is cool, it isn’t newsworthy. What made this discovery special is its timing. On December 14, a total eclipse of the Sun was visible in parts of South America, and in the images of Andreas Moller, this new comet could be seen from the surface of the Earth. This may be the first time this kind of an image of a sungrazer has been taken, and this is a clear reminder that the Sun’s light hides a wealth of awesome science and pretty comets.