Comet NEOWISE Sizzles, Providing a Treat for Observers

Jul 13, 2020 | Uncategorized

Comet NEOWISE Sizzles, Providing a Treat for Observers
IMAGE: Comet NEOWISE captured on July 6, 2020, above the northeast horizon just before sunrise in Tucson. CREDIT: Vishnu Reddy

In one final item for the day, I am happy to report that there is a comet in the evening sky. Comet NEOWISE has swung around the sun and is now visible shortly after sunset in the Northwest. It is still near the horizon, and my first attempt to see it was met with the discovery that the neighbor’s trees have grown a lot. The comet will be getting higher in the sky over time, so there is hope. Join me in making a post-sunset journey to a window you can open that points in the correct direction and try and catch sight of this naked-eye comet.

More Information

NASA JPL image release 

Sky & Telescope how-to article 

NEOWISE: Rare Image of a Comet’s Sodium Tail (Planetary Science Institute)


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