I keep track of orbital launches by where they launched from. Here’s that breakdown:

Here’s a running tally of a few spaceflight statistics for the year:
- Toilets burned up: 1
- Total new satellites in orbit: 245
- Total satellites from launches: 231
- Total launches: 16
- USA: 5
- China: 3
- French Guiana: 2
- New Zealand: 1
- Russia: 1
- Japan: 1
- Kazakhstan: 1
- Iran: 1
So far, only one toilet has burned up in the atmosphere. There are 245 new satellites in orbit, with 231 of those launched by 16 rockets.
Your useless space fact for the week comes from Dave himself: Statistically, at the fastest speeds humans have ever traveled, the radiation OF THEIR OWN BODIES would give them cancer before they reach the closest star.