Join notable scientists in planetary science and space physics at this mixer at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, and find out about their careers in a variety of professional backgrounds (e.g., academics, industry, federal labs).
Get a better understanding of what kinds of careers are available in planetary science and space physics and how to pursue them. Note, this is not a career fair but rather an opportunity to meet other scientists and to get advice on the next step of your career.
This is also a great place to meet other individuals in your field at the meeting and meet some new friendly faces. Refreshments are provided! Bring your friends!
11 December 2016, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
San Francisco Marriott Marquis – Salons 5-6
Mixer from 7 – 8, panel from 8 to 9pm with these great panelists!

Dr. Bethany Ehlmann. Credit: Caltech
Dr. Bethany Ehlmann is a participating scientist on the NASA Mars Rover Curiosity mission, a research scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and assistant professor of planetary science at Caltech. She explores our solar system, seeking to understand its history over billions of years of geologic time and searching for habitable environments for life.

Dr. David Grinspoon. Credit: David Grinspoon
Dr. David Grinspoon is an astrobiologist, award-winning science communicator, and prize-winning author. He is a Senior Scientist at the Planetary Science Institute and Adjunct Professor of Astrophysical and Planetary Science at the University of Colorado. His research focuses on climate evolution on Earth-like planets and potential conditions for life elsewhere in the universe. He is involved with several interplanetary spacecraft missions for NASA, the European Space Agency and the Japanese Space Agency. In 2013 he was appointed as the inaugural Chair of Astrobiology at the U.S. Library of Congress where he studied the human impact on Earth systems and organized a public symposium on the Longevity of Human Civilization.

Dr. Craig Hardgrove. Credit: Arizona State University
Dr. Craig Hardgrove is Principal Investigator of the LunaH-Map mission, the first planetary science mission designed, built and operated by ASU. Participating Scientist on the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) team. Principal Investigator of SINGR (Single Scintillator Neutron and Gamma-Ray Spectrometer) instrument development project. Dr. Hardgrove has experience working on many Mars rover and orbiter missions (MER Spirit and Opportunity, MSL Curiosity, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter-CTX, Mars-2020 Mastcam-Z).

Dr. John A. Grant, III. Credit: Smithsonian Institution
Dr. John A. Grant, III joined the Smithsonian in the fall of 2000 as a Geologist at the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies at the National Air and Space Museum. He has been a member of the Science Team for the Mars Exploration Rovers since 2002 and is one of six Science Operations Working Group Chairs responsible for leading day-to-day science planning of the rovers which have been operating for more than five years on Mars. Dr. Grant also co-chaired the science community process for selecting the landing sites for the Spirit and Opportunity Rovers and is currently co-leading the process for selecting the landing site for the 2011 Mars Science Laboratory rover.’