CosmoQuest and ASP Celebrate Astronomy Day 2016 at the California Academy of Sciences

Jun 1, 2016 | Citizen Science, Mars Mappers, Moon Mappers, Vesta Mappers

Astronomy Day 2016 Nugget

CosmoQuest team members Suzanne Gurton, Brian Kruse, Theresa Summer, Rachel Freed and Pablo Nelson of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific had a great crowd while testing the new CosmoQuest citizen science demonstration “The Hole Story” at the May 14, 2016 “Astronomy Day” event at the California Academy of Sciences.

3D printed Moon Crater. Credit: Susie Murph

3D printed Moon Crater. Credit: Susie Murph

Over 100 people, mostly families, learned about how scientists use geology and other clues to explain how craters occur on Earth, and by extension, other worlds. They were able to handle and examine 3D models of craters on the Moon, Mars and Earth, borrowed from NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute. They also received how they could participate in the mapping project and other citizen science programs from NASA and CosmoQuest.


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