Please Stand by For System Updates

Mar 31, 2016 | Behind the Scenes

13389802555_1cf1e21503_oIf you’re new to CosmoQuest, Welcome!

And, um, can you please come back again later?

We’re getting ready to do a bunch of house cleaning, updating, and building of additions, and we think you’ll like what’s coming. We also know our site is kind of out of date at the moment, and we kind of wish we could just kind of hide parts of it behind a door like you might do with a spare bedroom with 1970s decor.

For the past year, as our last grant ran down, CosmoQuest simply had fewer and fewer people on staff. Like an animal going into hibernation, we focused on using our limited resources to keep our core systems going. When fall semester began, we were down to just me and Cory, and the bulk of my time was going to writing grants while Cory focused on keeping our sites up and running. Our just-getting-by status is reflected in a lack of blog posts and the way some webpages have slowly gotten lost in the slow shuffle of content.

As winter progressed, grant announcements began to come in and now, as we face spring, we’re getting ready to burst out with color. Georgia is now back on payroll, and we’re getting ready to hire a bunch of new people and bring in a bunch of new institutional partners.

So please stand by.

image credit: Spark Fun Electronics 


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