The big picture & beautiful images: 2 upcoming classes!

Jul 23, 2013 | Uncategorized

CQ-computerWe have two exciting online classes for you, coming up soon! For more information about these and other classes, see our CosmoAcademy page.

CQX099 – The Big Bang and Our Dark Future

Structure: Two weeks, four 60-minute meetings Astronomers, on a CSI-style mission, have followed the clues to find the culprit behind the formation of the universe. Going by the alias, Big Bang, the perpetrator behind the highest energy event ever imagined left behind a series of clues about her identity. In this colloquium, students will study 3 lines of evidence that prove the Big Bang formed the universe. Based on their profile of the Big Bang, students will explore what the Universe’s ultimate fate may be.

Instructor: Pamela Gay
Meetings: Mondays and Wednesdays, August 12-21, 2013

CQX152 – Introduction to Space Image Processing

Structure: Two weeks, four 60-minute meetings This four-session class will introduce you to spacecraft image processing, with particular focus on Mars Exploration Rover and Cassini images. By the end of the class, you’ll be able to find and improve pretty pictures from Mars and Saturn, with motion and color. No previous experience or understanding of image processing is necessary. Exercises in the class will use free and open-source GIMP software.

Instructor: Emily Lakdawalla
Meetings: Mondays and Wednesdays, October 21-30, 2013

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