New at CosmoQuest – Online Classes!

Jun 22, 2012 | Behind the Scenes, Vision

We here at CosmoQuest think that doing science is a worthwhile activity. You’ve helped us begin to map the Moon and understand some key features of lunar craters. You’ve begun identifying potential icy targets for New Horizons, and we have plenty more explorations in store. However, we want this to be a hub for learning science as well, and so we’re happy to introduce the very first in our series of online classes.

Ever want to take an astronomy class but never had the chance? Maybe you want a refresher since so much has been discovered since the last time you studied the subject. You’ll be able to take a four-week class on Solar System Science starting July 24th, taught by our esteemed colleague Ray Sanders, aka Dear Astronomer, right from the comfort of your own home. This course will give you an overview of our Solar System, its origins, and the search for exoplanet systems that was summed up quite nicely in a recent xkcd comic.

What's this? Take the class to find out! Credit: NASA

The class will include interactive sessions through Google Hangouts, a platform that has been so successful in helping us share science news, talks, and the ever popular Virtual Star Parties. That means that space is limited, so you’ll want to register for the course quickly. This is the kind of experience that you won’t get in a big lecture hall. (If the first session fills, we can add a second class.)

The classes will occur at the following dates and times:

  • Tuesdays, 7pm – 8pm Pacific (July 24, July 31, Aug 7, Aug 14)
  • Thursdays, 7pm – 8pm Pacific (July 26, Aug 2,  Aug 9, Aug 16)

We know that this won’t suit everyone’s schedule, and we look forward to having more classes and at different times in the future. The cost of the course is $240 (plus Eventbrite fee) for the entire 8-class session, which is a real bargain when you know that you are paying for the expertise and time going into creating such a course.

This is the place to start your astronomy learning if you have been hesitant to get into it before. You’ll be in capable educational hands, AND you’ll get a more well-rounded basis for the kind of work that we’re all doing here through the Mappers and Investigators projects. We look forward to you coming on this new journey with us!


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