Why pulsars shine brightly; Antares’ atmospheric layers; Volcanic craters on Titan

Why pulsars shine brightly; Antares’ atmospheric layers; Volcanic craters on Titan

Join us today as we consider a new paper on why pulsars shine so brightly (hint: it’s those pesky magnetic fields). We take a look at new images of Antares’ massive atmospheric layers. Finally, we share a story from our own Planetary Science Institute: evidence has been found that there are volcanic craters on Saturn’s moon, Titan.

Solar clock; Hubble constant; Universality of Free Fall; Neutron lifetime measurement; Interstellar parallax; Backyard astronomy exoplanet

Solar clock; Hubble constant; Universality of Free Fall; Neutron lifetime measurement; Interstellar parallax; Backyard astronomy exoplanet

Join us today as we look at six different astronomy stories. We start with a new clock of solar activity, then talk about three articles on updates to fundamental theories. We follow up with interstellar parallax observations and an exoplanet discovered through backyard astronomy.

Fast Blue Optical Transients; Proxima b is real; Asteroids and comets in the news

Fast Blue Optical Transients; Proxima b is real; Asteroids and comets in the news

Join us today as we take a look at a possible new classification of high energy outbursts. Next, we examine the latest evidence that an exoplanet at our nearest stellar neighbor, Proxima Centauri, really exists. And finally, we go over a bunch of recent stories on asteroids and comets, including our own dinosaur-killer, Bennu, Ryugu, and Comet ATLAS.
