Black Holes Can Clear Way For Star Formation

Black Holes Can Clear Way For Star Formation

Contrary to the destructive role supermassive black holes are thought to play in the lives of stars, it turns out that certain types of galaxies benefit from black holes clearing the way and keeping star formation going. Plus, lightning at the edge of space, a landslide in the Himalayas, and an interview with Dr. Darby Dyar and Dr. David Grinspoon about the recent selection of three different Venus missions.

Solar Systems Vary From Star Type to Star Type

Solar Systems Vary From Star Type to Star Type

In new research, scientists examined the populations of stars observed by the Kepler and K2 missions and found that the solar systems were different depending on the type of star involved. Plus, CHIME results, a brown dwarf’s atmosphere, a stream of stars in the Milky Way, and an interview with PSI’s Dr. Candice Hansen about the recent Ganymede flyby of NASA’s Juno spacecraft.

New Measurements Released From the Dark Energy Survey

New Measurements Released From the Dark Energy Survey

The most precise measurements of the universe’s composition and growth have been reported in almost thirty new papers based on Dark Energy Survey observations of 229 million galaxies and covering one-eighth of the sky. Plus, stories from the first day of the AAS conference, all the volcanoes, and mission updates.
