Science is the Same, Everywhere, Everywhen

Science is the Same, Everywhere, Everywhen

Today, we bring you stories proving that we do understand some things, like black holes, and that we have forgotten other things, like that the Earth’s crust can sag under the weight of ice. It’s all a lot more complicated than we like to think. But it sure is pretty, and when the science makes your head hurt, our What’s Up segment will fill your eyes with some beauty.

Theory and Observation Combine to Update Galaxies and Stars

Theory and Observation Combine to Update Galaxies and Stars

Today, our view on the universe gets itself an update thanks to the combined efforts of theorists and observers. From a new understanding of how galaxies can lose their dark matter, to how white dwarfs can be resurrected into helium-burning stars, we have the weird, the wonderful, and in the case of a new lunar tracking system, we even have a touch of the mundane. Plus, this week in rocket history, we look back at STS-82 which serviced the Hubble Space Telescope.

Mars Could Have Supported Life Longer Than Thought

Mars Could Have Supported Life Longer Than Thought

A NASA-funded simulation of early Mars revealed that the climate three billion years ago on the red planet was very similar to Earth now, with a stable ocean in the northern hemisphere. This new timeline would have given life another 500 million years to develop. Plus, a dwarf galaxy, Saturn’s aurorae, a Soyuz launch, and an interview with Dr. Adam Szabo, mission scientist for the Parker Solar Probe.

Moons May Be Beneficial to Life Beyond Earth

Moons May Be Beneficial to Life Beyond Earth

New simulations find that to form a moon with a similar size ratio to our own system, certain types of planets are needed. And that type of moon-planet system could then be beneficial to the rise of life on the planet. Plus, a Starlink launch, puffy planets, and training astronauts underwater for spacewalks.
