Dec 5th: Observing With Webb in December 2020
CONJUNCTION MONTH! If there’s nothing else you do this month, mark your calendar, get your warm clothes set aside, and get ready for a very, very rare conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn on the 21st.

Nov 25th: Surviving On Venus. Is It Time To Go Back To That Awful Place?
Venus is a fascinating world – the closest twin to the Earth that we have in the Solar System. It’s nearly the same mass and has the same surface gravity. But we need to explore it to help us understand why the planet went so horribly horribly wrong.

Nov 7th: Observing With Webb in November 2020
All five naked-eye planets are easily visible at different parts of the night, the Leonids will grace the mid-month skies, and the Moon makes its monthly visits in line with the planets.

Nov 6th: Pranvera Hyseni
Today @WSHCrew presenting discussion with Pranvera Hyseni about her work to develop Astronomy Outreach of Kosovo. And also news update!

Nov 5th: Objects to Observe in the November 2020 Night Sky
The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Objects to Observe in the November Night Sky. In this episode we focus on sky events to help newcomers learn the night sky as we discuss Meteor Showers, Comets to locate and how to use the Moon to find Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Mars, Venus and Mercury!

Nov 4th: Awesome Astronomy November 2020 Astro News
It’s time for November skyguide and news roundup with @AwesomeAstroPod. Today, we have phosphine on Venus, mini-moon, water on the Moon. And did humanity narrowly escape extinction in 1908?

Oct 27th: Awesome Astronomy: Venus Biosignatures
As the exciting news of phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus, @AwesomeAstroPod caught up with Professor Jane Greaves for the inside track. More on it at #365DaysOfAstro

Sep 24th: Is There Really Life on Venus?

Sep 21st: Venus Updates – or – Life on Venus?!?
So have you heard the news? Of course you have. Evidence of phosphene on Venus. Which could be a biosignature of life on our evil twin planet. There have been a lot of surprising stories about Venus, so let’s get you all caught up!