Tag: planet

Apr 7th: Observing With Webb in April 2018
April brings us plenty of Jupiter time, a close encounter between Mars and Saturn, and a potentially decent Lyrid meteor shower. And MAYBE some better weather.

Mar 3rd: Observing With Webb in March 2018

Feb 9th: Falcon Heavy Launch, New Exoplanets, and More!

Feb 8th: Very Large Objects!

Feb 4th: Scoping Planets & Laser Surfing

Jan 28th: Nearby Planets & Asteroid Day

Jan 21st: Ice World Rolling In
Dr. Yossi Shvartzvald discovered planet OGLE-2016-BLG-1195Lb & Greg Leonard spotted 2017 JA from the direction opposite to the Sun

Jan 7th: 2 Suns & Seeds

Nov 27th: Resonance
Many of the moons and planets across the Universe are in resonance with each other and their star. What causes this resonance