A lunar eclipse, a conjunction between Jupiter and Venus, and two good lineups of planets bookending the month make January a spectacular month to go out stargazing, if you don’t mind the cold.
Nov 3rd: Observing With Webb in November 2018
Oct 6th: Observing With Webb in October 2018
Get your last look at Jupiter while Saturn is staying up shorter amounts of time, the annual Orionid Meteor Shower and this year moonless Halloween skies.
Sep 1st: Observing With Webb in September 2018
Looking for Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, or Mars? This is your last good month to see all of them at the same time. Also, get ready for some longer nights, a shallow dive into Sagittarius, the Summer Triangle, and Cassiopeia.
Aug 4th: Observing With Webb in August 2018
August, even with very short nights, will be a great month for watching the four brightest naked-eye planets at sunset, the usual close encounters, and the annual Perseid Meteor Shower.
Jul 7th: Observing With Webb in July 2018
Mars at opposition, four planets at sunset, Venus shining bright, and a lunar eclipse for the other half of the globe. All these make July a pretty great month this year.
Jun 2nd: Observing With Webb in June 2018
June is more exciting than normal, by providing us a chance to see all the naked eye planets by month’s end, lunar close encounters with all but Mercury, and an especially close one with Saturn (only 1˚!), with most planets visible for long periods of the night. So get out your scope and try to find all the planets in one night!
May 5th: Observing With Webb in May 2018
May will be a month for 4 out of the 5 naked eye planets, with Venus and Jupiter visible early each night and Mars and Saturn visible in the mornings, along with close encounters between each of these and the Moon.
Apr 7th: Observing With Webb in April 2018
April brings us plenty of Jupiter time, a close encounter between Mars and Saturn, and a potentially decent Lyrid meteor shower. And MAYBE some better weather.