Aug 4th: Observing With Webb in August 2018
August, even with very short nights, will be a great month for watching the four brightest naked-eye planets at sunset, the usual close encounters, and the annual Perseid Meteor Shower.

Aug 2nd: Martian Pool Party
There is Lake on Mars and Einstein was right again. How hard is it to find water on mars? Do you want to know more about it?

Jul 26th: The Heart Of The Galaxy

Jul 11th: Awesome Astronomy’s July Episode

Jul 7th: Observing With Webb in July 2018
Mars at opposition, four planets at sunset, Venus shining bright, and a lunar eclipse for the other half of the globe. All these make July a pretty great month this year.

Jun 28th: Black Hole Binge-Watch!

Jun 26th: Making The Future
Cheap Astronomy investigates future space travel possibilities and finds that Helium 3 is floating on thin air and a Mars mission will happen when robots are ready to accompany us.

Jun 21st: Let’s Play Marsball!

Jun 14th: Fake Neutrinos!!!
Why do YOU care about neutrinos? Can neutrinos be used for rockets? more on today’s Space radio at #365daysofastro with @PaulMattSutter.