Today’s Travelers in the Night discuss about 2016 VA discovered by our host and smooth rock on Mars’ Mt. Sharp nicknamed “Egg Rock”.

Today’s Travelers in the Night discuss about 2016 VA discovered by our host and smooth rock on Mars’ Mt. Sharp nicknamed “Egg Rock”.
Things that orbit the Sun and clear their orbits. So what happens when worlds collide? Why is Mars’ sky red?
One day, we’ll contemplate the possibility of reshaping Mars to suit human life. Is it even possible? What technologies would be used?
How to observe the Perseid meteor shower,Lunar X and Straight Wall, Minor Planets Iris and Psyche plus bright comets.
We’re learned about the failed missions to Mars. But the real prize will come when the first human sets foot on Mars
Just how useful are humans in space? What is the death zone radius of a black hole merger? More about staying alive with @CheapAstro at #365DaysOfAstro
June brings us the quote “Parade of Planets”…well, sort of…Listen up as I discuss which planets are visible, which aren’t, and when the Moon will pass by them.