Women have long played a prominent role at the forefront of astronomical & space research. And… could space aliens detect life on Earth?
Jan 24th: Dr. Kenneth Carpenter from WFIRST
What’s happening with China’s space exploration and Mars? Baby stars found in the ancient “halo” part of our galaxy. And a discussion with Dr. Kenneth Carpenter.
Jan 5th: Your Shield & Opportunity Celebrates 10 Years on Mars
NEOShield project working to provide information about asteroid which is on a collision course with Earth. And 10th years celebrations of Opportunity on Mars.
Nov 27th: Could We Live on Mars?
How much is Mars really like Earth? Could our solar system neighbor become a travel destination in the future? Could we live there? Everyday Einstein investigates the Martian habitat.
Oct 18th: Dr. Jeffrey Kargel of the PSI Talks Climate Change
The Pentagon really wants Space Force, SpaceX wants 30,000 more StarLink cubesats! more news roundup at #365DaysOfAstro
Oct 16th: Awesome Astronomy September 2019 Space Exploration
Sep 27th: Seth & Aaron Lockman: The Astronomy Brothers
Weekly update with news from ESA exoplanet mission, venus, the monster at the center of Milky Way, SpaceX, and how to feed people on Mars.
Sep 12th: A Magical Color-Changing Asteroid!
An asteroid that changes color!
Why does a black hole end in a singularity? How can we measure distances to stuff in space?
Aug 19th: Questions Show: Shooting Lasers at the Moon and Losing Contact with Rovers
This week we find out how hard it is to hit the Moon with a laser, & if scientists lose contact with the Mars rovers when they go behind the Sun.