Three planets still hanging out in the early mornings, an early month unusual conjunction, and a meteor shower make this time of socially distancing ourselves a great time to get outside at night!

Three planets still hanging out in the early mornings, an early month unusual conjunction, and a meteor shower make this time of socially distancing ourselves a great time to get outside at night!
This week news: Venus at greatest elongation. Jupiter/Mars conjunction. Heat on mercury helps it make it ice. Discussion: Modeling coronal mass ejection
Freeman no more. And more question to answer regarding catch a virus from Mars, where of all the energy in the universe go. Get a free autographed copy of my book!
ESO images of Betelgeuse & the more recent evidence for the star’s dimmed. March Sky Guide, and more news roundup.
On today’s podcast, Ken Brandt will celebrates the 16th year anniversary of the landing of Opportunity on Mars. #365DaysOfAstro
Women have long played a prominent role at the forefront of astronomical & space research. And… could space aliens detect life on Earth?
What’s happening with China’s space exploration and Mars? Baby stars found in the ancient “halo” part of our galaxy. And a discussion with Dr. Kenneth Carpenter.
NEOShield project working to provide information about asteroid which is on a collision course with Earth. And 10th years celebrations of Opportunity on Mars.
How much is Mars really like Earth? Could our solar system neighbor become a travel destination in the future? Could we live there? Everyday Einstein investigates the Martian habitat.
The Pentagon really wants Space Force, SpaceX wants 30,000 more StarLink cubesats! more news roundup at #365DaysOfAstro