Quick guide to the astronomy events to observe over the next few months. Farewell Frank Drake, Artemis 1 delays, and monthly round up with @AwesomeAstroPod

Quick guide to the astronomy events to observe over the next few months. Farewell Frank Drake, Artemis 1 delays, and monthly round up with @AwesomeAstroPod
As we return from our summer hiatus, we are back with a rundown of some of the stories such as JWST images, dark matter, and Betelgeuse. Also thirty orbital launches but not including Artemis.
Using a first-principles approach, researchers have discovered that the differences in the rotational rate of the solar system are due to the inward and outward flow of cations and electrons.
August news round-up with @AwesomeAstroPod. Also august skyguide. This week we have Jupiter’s ring, triple star system with a violent past, fossil galaxy, & life on Mars.
Starting with the stunning release of JWST’s first image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 on July 11, the bonanza continued the morning of July 12 with newly released images of Stephan’s Quintet, the Carina Nebula, the Southern Ring Nebula, and exoplanet WASP-96b
We’re FINALLY going to talk about the James Webb Space Telescope. After decades of development, delays, budget creep, the powerful infrared observatory is at its final home at the L2 Lagrange point. Yesterday (at the time we’re recording this) we saw the first scientific images from the telescope and according to Pamela’s rules, we’re finally allowed to talk about it.
Time for news roundup. This week @WSHCrew discuss about mission in Mars with update from Ingenuity, Insight, Perseverance. Also about rogue stars, naked planets and JWST.
Developing reliable, renewable, and safe power/energy storage systems is a key requirement for future space missions. Are fuel cells one solution to this need? More with space news and the upcoming JWST result at #365DaysOfAstro
Happy 10th anniversary @AwesomeAstroPod! Listen to behind the scene of the show, space news about Space Forge, JWST updates, UK space energy initiative. Also inspiring children to think about careers in science. More at #365DaysOfAstro
Time for @AwesomeAstroPod news round-up and skyguide. We have JWST, new type of nebula, detecting life in Europa, exoplanet around dead star, galaxy with no dark matter and more. #365DaysOfAstro