So we have rocky planets, gas giants, and ice giants in Solar System. What are their differences? And how about exoplanet. Are they the same?

So we have rocky planets, gas giants, and ice giants in Solar System. What are their differences? And how about exoplanet. Are they the same?
Starting with the stunning release of JWST’s first image of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 on July 11, the bonanza continued the morning of July 12 with newly released images of Stephan’s Quintet, the Carina Nebula, the Southern Ring Nebula, and exoplanet WASP-96b
Most if not all newly formed stars have protoplanetary disks of gas & dust circling around them. More about the HL Tauri planet which forming in the gaps.
Time for weekly update. Tonight @WSHCrew will discuss about imaging exoplanets using gravitational lens with Alexander Madurowicz. Also the possibility that Ceres moved, Insight power down, and Voyager 1 glitch.
The Earth is teeming with life, but the upper atmosphere to kilometers underground. There’s no question that our planet has life. But is our planet itself alive?
Time for @AwesomeAstroPod news round-up and skyguide. We have JWST, new type of nebula, detecting life in Europa, exoplanet around dead star, galaxy with no dark matter and more. #365DaysOfAstro
Time for newsroundup and skyguide with @AwesomeAstroPod. The team discuss about JWST performance, a milestone of 5000 exoplanet, carbon impact of running large observatories, impossible supermassive blackhole orbit. More at #365DaysOfAstro
We’ve always assumed that habitable planets would need to be like Earth; a terrestrial planet orbiting a sunlike star. But now astronomers have been discovering planets in the habitable zone around very much non-sunlike stars. What strange places could be habitable?
Time for weekly update with @WSHCrew. Tonight the team will discuss about MAREVL 2.0 Static Fire Tests with Seth Lockman from bluShift Aerospace, Mars mineral, a bunch of exoplanet and the impact of Russian/Ukrainian war on all things space
What to observe in February? Listen to @awesomeastropod #skyguide and news round up today at #365DaysOfAstro. The team will cover Venus sample return mission, big far away star with very big planet, another ocean moon in Saturn and many more.