Brian Africano discovered his 4th comet in the constellation of Ursa Major & a story about large fireball meteor which exploded over Cuba
Jul 7th: Collision & Tiny Visitor
Astronomers working with the ATLAS project reported that the perviously normally appearing asteroid 6478 Gault now has a 250,000 mile long straight tail!
Jun 9th: Rose Rules & Disintegrating Comet
Today’s Travelers in the Night discuss about asteroid discoveries by Rose Matheny & a break up comet from a far
Jun 2nd: Strange Comet & Screaming Aten
Mar 31st: Dancing With Earth & Colliding Planets
Today’s Traveler in the Night
discuss about the Earth’s dancing partner and the collisions between planets, planetesimals, asteroids, and comets that produced the place where we live.
Feb 19th: What Goes Into Sample Return Missions From Asteroids & Comets?
Scientists have retrieved samples from other objects in the Solar System, including comets and asteroids. What does it take to return a piece of rock from space, and what have we learned so far?
Jan 7th: Could Be Twins & Spray Paints
Today Travelers in the night take you to discuss about a pair of possibly related comets pass unusually close to Earth and a gentle method of causing an asteroid to miss planet Earth.
Oct 29th: Eric’s Night & Close
To night Travelers in the Sky tell you.a story about the developing equipment and skills to predict the impact of tiny space rocks. Also the discovery of very close approaching asteroids.
Oct 15th: Fuls III & Vulcan
Sep 6th: Origin of Earth’s Water: A New Hypothesis Has Entered the Chat
For decades, scientists have been trying to work out just how the Earth got all its water, and the prevailing theory was that comets and asteroids brought it, and we have evidence for that mechanic; however, a new hypothesis has provided evidence that the water was already here, locked away in hydrous minerals in a very iron-poor core.