A podcast about distant things moving massively, and yes some of those things are black holes. Enough said?

A podcast about distant things moving massively, and yes some of those things are black holes. Enough said?
An unwelcome dearth of solar system objects with Jupiter, Mars and Saturn low on the horizon, but dwarf planet Ceres is at opposition and we also have a few nice conjunctions to enjoy in May.
What if we could take a shortcut through spacetime and visit another galaxy? Sci fi movies have imagined the possibility for years, but are wormholes real?
The announcement from the Event Horizon Telescope & the first photograph of a black hole’s event horizon.
A very special edition devoted exclusively to the new results from the Event Horizon Telescope! more with @PaulMattSutter at #365DaysOfAstro
Hey look it’s a black hole! Why black holes are important? Find the answer here on today’s #spaceradio with @PaulMattSutter at #365DasyOfAstro
You know what’s scarier than a supernova? A supernova that fails, imploding into a black hole, vanishing from the Universe.