Tag: black hole

Jun 28th: Black Hole Binge-Watch!

May 26th: Black Hole Spin Turns-up the Radio
Astronomers just found a new way to turn up the radio: never mind spinning the volume knob, try spinning an SMBH, a supermassive black hole!

May 17th: It’s Full of Black Holes!!!
Why the universe expands? How can black holes form in the big bang? more with @PaulMattSutter at #365DaysOfAstro

May 7th: Bezos Uber Alles

May 7th: Black Hole Update
Another update episode, this time we look at what’s new and changed in the research of black holes. And it’s here that we find a lot of substantial new discoveries in the field, so much has been discovered since we first covered black holes a decade ago.

Mar 15th: I Got 99 Problems But a Magnetic Field ain’t One

Mar 14th: Awesome Astronomy’s March 2018

Mar 1st: Light at the end of the Black Hole