Dark matter discrepancy; unique supernova; extreme galaxies

Dark matter discrepancy; unique supernova; extreme galaxies

Join us today as we look at how the Hubble Telescope may have solved the dark matter discrepancy. A research team has found a unique Type 1a supernova in the super-Chandrasekhar group of novae. Plus, all those extreme galaxies (large and small) seem to be in dense regions with a lot of interactions. Afterward, were joined by astrobiologist Dr. David Grinspoon to talk about his research into potential life on Venus.

Second-most distant quasar found and given Hawai’ian name; theoretical axion particles may explain origin of dark matter

Second-most distant quasar found and given Hawai’ian name; theoretical axion particles may explain origin of dark matter

Join us today as we look at big news on a big quasar! Pōniuāʻena is the second-most distant quasar ever found, and its existence challenges conventional black hole formation theory. Also, we explain how the theoretical axion particle might be involved in the origin of dark matter.

Supernova in a lab; Organic molecules in a molecular cloud; Particle interactions in a dark matter detector

Supernova in a lab; Organic molecules in a molecular cloud; Particle interactions in a dark matter detector

Join us today while we take a look at a laboratory recreation of a supernova. We’ll also talk about the discovery of another amino acid precursor molecule in an interstellar cloud. Finally, we call attention to news that a dark matter detector has possibly seen some weird particle interactions and what that could mean.
