Origin of Earth’s Water: A New Hypothesis Has Entered the Chat

Origin of Earth’s Water: A New Hypothesis Has Entered the Chat

For decades, scientists have been trying to work out just how the Earth got all its water, and the prevailing theory was that comets and asteroids brought it, and we have evidence for that mechanic; however, a new hypothesis has provided evidence that the water was already here, locked away in hydrous minerals in a very iron-poor core. Plus, magnetic fields, subatomic particles, life on the ocean floor, a geology mystery solved, and this week in rocket history covers a space shuttle mission with some really neat science.

The Curious Case of the Brown Dwarfs at 14 Herculis

The Curious Case of the Brown Dwarfs at 14 Herculis

A dynamical analysis of the 14 Herculis system has revealed the existence of two brown dwarf planets orbiting in completely misaligned, eccentric orbits. Plus, weird ice in Chicago, the ongoing debate about liquid water on Mars, one rocket goes up while a capsule comes down, and we interview Dr. Knicole Colon from the JWST mission.

Carbon Molecules on Mars Open New Mystery

Carbon Molecules on Mars Open New Mystery

NASA’s Curiosity rover has discovered carbon isotopes on Mars which are usually caused by the degradation of biological methane, leading scientists to examine other potential reasons for the molecules. Plus, more Starlink satellites, their impact on observing, and This Week in Rocket History.
