Tag: venus

Feb 1st: Awesome Astronomy’s February Sky Guide

Jan 7th: Observing With Webb in January 2017
January would not be so exciting if it weren’t for the two times we can see a close encounter between the Moon, Venus, and Mars. Also visible this month are Jupiter, Saturn, and maybe Mercury.

Dec 3rd: Observing With Webb in December 2016
December brings us good views of Venus, Mars, and Jupiter, maybe some Geminid Meteors & a good Lunar occultation of Aldebaran!

Nov 5th: Observing With Webb in November 2016

Nov 3rd: Awesome Astronomy’s November Sky Guide

Oct 1st: Observing With Webb in October 2016
October brings us good views of Venus, Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter, the Orionid Meteor Shower, and night launch visible on the eastern seaboard, along with a challenge for the Pequea Valley Planetarium

May 7th: Observing with Webb in May
August 23rd: The Moon of Venus
Date: August 23, 2010 Title: The Moon of Venus Podcaster: Ben Lillie Organization: The Story Collider, storycollider.org Description: Two tales of science done right and done wrong, starring...