Aug 25th: Do We Live in a Special Part of the Universe?
In ancient times, astronomers and philosophers thought that the Earth was the center of the Universe. We know that’s wrong, but is there anything special about where we live?

Aug 13th: How Old is the Universe?

Aug 7th: Why do we need cosmic inflation? (Part 1)
What are some weaknesses with the standard Big Bang model? What are the horizon and flatness problems? How does accelerated expansion solve these?

Jul 26th: The Heart Of The Galaxy

Jul 17th: How does dark energy accelerate the universe?
What is the cosmological constant? How is the expansion of the universe related to quantum fields? How does a vacuum energy produce accelerated expansion?

May 18th: Treknology: The Science of Star Trek
Lets discuss about Treknology: The Science of Star Trek and more updates including helicopter for mars & stars from the early moment of the universe

Feb 6th: Why should we believe the big bang?
What did Hubble really discover? Why does redshift imply an expanding universe? Why is the night sky dark? Why is there so much hydrogen, and how is that connected to the Big Bang?

Oct 31st: When Was The First Light In The Universe?