Tag: universe

Feb 13th: The Big Rip is Coming, Look Busy!
Does the Universe go on forever or does it have an edge? Has it always existed and if not, how old is it? Will it end? more at #365DaysOfAstro today’s @unawe #spacescoop

Jan 24th: Who Made the Universe?

Dec 29th: What’s Outside the Universe? Searching For Evidence of a Multiverse
Universe isn’t expanding into anything. But what if we’re living in a vast multiverse, and our Universe is bumping up against other universes?

Dec 6th: What’s Brewing? Science
What’s Brewing? Science! How about InSight mission, global warming, and the expansion of the universe? @PaulMattSutter will discuss all this topics at #365DaysOfAstro

Oct 25th: Collective Woah

Oct 18th: Europa or Bust!

Oct 15th: What Is The Shape Of The Universe?
Some of the biggest questions in the universe depend on its shape. Is it curved? Is it flat? Is it open?

Oct 3rd: Awesome Astronomy October Sky Guide & News