Today The Cosmic Savannah discuss with Prof Ewine van Dishoeck about molecular astrophysicsand her roles as the President of IAU

Today The Cosmic Savannah discuss with Prof Ewine van Dishoeck about molecular astrophysicsand her roles as the President of IAU
Today, The Cosmic Savannah will take us to learn all about the inspirational Astro Molo Mhlaba project in Khayelitsha (Cape Town). This project targets the issues of inclusivity and diversity in South African astronomy by engaging the most underrepresented group – black girls from under-served communities.
Join us today as @cosmicsavannah discuss about the Sayari project in Kenya, satellites launching from Nigeria, and outreach project through @awb_org in Nigeria.
In this episode, @cosmicsavannah discuss about space telescope. Hoe data being deliver to the scientist how the myriad of data collected is incorporated into one beautiful image.
In this episode @cosmicsavannah talk to Dr Niruj Ramanujam from the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) about the importance of the Mercury Transit & how you can see the transit.
Today @CosmicSavannah will talk with @specolations on why the Vatican has an observatory, and how they reconcile faith and the Big Bang? Also discussion with @healytwin1 about her work on neutral hydrogen in galaxy clusters.
The challenging interface between theory and observations & some game viewing in the incredible 2 million hectare Kruger National Park!
Season 1 finale: Discussion about Galaxy evolution and some of the exciting discoveries along the way, SAAO, and astronomy in South Africa.
Jacinta continues her visit to Australia, this week chatting with Dr Jeff Wagg about the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and Ahmed Elagali about his work on superclusters, neutral hydrogen and ring galaxies.